بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

kutafuta elimu ni faradhi kwa kila muislamu
الحمد لله الذي نستعينه ونستغفره ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا من يهد الله فلا مضل له ومن يضلل فلا هادي له .

ونشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له ونشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله أرسله بالهدى ودين الحق ليظهره على الدين كله وكفى بالله شهيدا


UDOMSA have (and shall have) two categories of membership as it has been explained within iits constitution.
a) Full Membership
b) Associate membership
Full membership are open and shall be open to all Muslim students pursuing studies at the University of Dodoma(UDOM).
 All other Muslim within the University: including academic and non-academic workers.
 All EX-UDOMSA full members
 Any other Muslim whose application to become an associate member is approved by the Executive committee
 Provided that the associate member mentioned above may retain their membership even if they cease to be UDOM staff member or resident within the campus of UDOM
Member are registered official full member after every join up to University for Graduate, Postgraduate and others, by supplying them with registration forms. Further there all students academic persons Muslims are members after they are recognized by UDOMSA.
4.2; Active member shall have the following qualities
 Participating the UDOMSA issues as it will be required
 Respective Islamic status participating in prayer sessions
 Attending UDOMSA meeting as it will be required.
 Pay the annual subscription set by general assembly at UDOMSA
4.3; A membership may cease due to the following reasoning
a) Death
b) Converting into other religion (murtad)
c) Insulting Islamic shariah and source is quran & sunnah
UDOMSA is organization through the below features;
1. General assembly
This include the number off all udomsa member as recognized in UDOMSA general meeting; this consist of
a. Board of guardians
Here there are all non students members leaded by two appointed teachers, as our guardians.
b. Excutive committee(office bearers)
This are leaders of udomsa at university level include:mudira &vice mudir for every school/college,excutive secretary and secretaries for every college,treasurer,publicity secretary librarian,iman,education secretary &chief advisor
In other part for women wing the above leaders are the members of executive committee.

c. College leaders
These include the above status assistant leaders with respects to their vice mudir in all wings(men & women).

5:ii. The qualities of UDOMSA office bearers are as follows:-
i. Must are Muslim
ii. Must know/are knowledgeable concerning their duties as it be explained below
iii. An active member

5; iii. An office bearer will cease to hold the office when he or she losses on or both of the qualities as stipulated in 4(2)b

5:iv Their tenure of office shall be a period of the year provided that, office bearer may be re-appointed for another term of office to maintain the same or another office by appointing committee.(appointed attend of academic year)


6(a) As UDOMSA-University wise

6:a:1 executive committee as mentioned in 5(I)(b)
-administer and supervise UDOMSA activities as provided for by constitution & objectives
-they are/shall be answerable to the general assembly
-the two among ie; mudir & executive secretary are the chief spokesmen of UDOMSA
-vice mudir’s are the principal assistants to mudir college wise on his duties
-The executive secretary and their assistance from every college are the executor of UDOMSA activities official, including duplicating ,filling & corresponces.Issues notice for all meeting of UDOMSA and as within its college. They also give quarter-yearly report of UDOMSA activities to the executive committee or general assembly

6: a:2 UDOMSA publicity and public relation committee/department
This is among the important committee in UDOMSA.this committee deals mostly with provision of all news and posters as well as receiving, searching and editing those newsletters,news,posters concerning UDOMSA,muslims and Islam in and outside the campus.
Also it concers with providing important information of UDOMSA Muslims and Islam in and outside campus dealing with education socially and cultural inside and outside the UDOM.
Further that the Muslims, together with registering Muslims yearly.
The committee produce notes and messages with the support from the education &daawah committee & imans
The above are done by the secretaries of each college as well both wings women and men wings coordination by head secretary of department

6(a):3, education and daawah department (committee)
This also is among the department under UDOMSA who organize and conduct the following duties
Firstly to fore guard all education support to UDOMSA members and all Muslim around the university(UDOM)and outside UDOM
To collect and organize daawah activities with UDOMSA to all its colleges. this is done by secretaries of daawah and education for each college and both wings (ie.men &women)by coordination of their general secretary
Arrange and coordinate public lectures, seminars education forum and other related done by UDOMSA members either inside or outside the campus.
Also coordinate tuition programs conducted to other non-university students outside and inside UDOMSA eg.primary &
Secondary students within Dodoma and around the campus.